
You can make a difference

44,000 pounds a year!!! The average amount of carbon emitted by American's every year. Kinda scary if you ask me. Be a leader in the fight against climate change. Whether its a donation to plant trees or offsetting your carbon footprint, to support industry leading carbon reduction projects.

Donate Cryptocurrency

The growing interest in cryptocurrency has also led to an increase in the negative environmental effects of mining and verifying those coins as authentic. Extremely powerful computers with high energy demands are needed to run the algorithms that digital currency mining operations depend on.

We pledge to offset carbon emissions from all crypto donations. 

You can receive a tax deduction for your crypto philanthropy. Crypto donors should consult with a tax advisor to further understand the impact making a crypto donation might have on your income tax or capital gains taxes, I know we did. 

Set it and forget it

Our partnership with Stripe and The RoundUp App makes it easy for individuals to give back to the environment. You can simply make a donation on our website or follow this link to RoundUp your credit card transactions and support our nonprofit. 

Why plant trees?

Calculate your carbon footprint

Other ways you can help?

Embed our Givelify Button on your website. Simply copy this customized Givelify code  and past it in your website. 

<a target="_blank" href=""><img src="" alt="Givelify" /></a>


Givelify Developers Link


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